Laser Stencil Masks have a number of distinct advantages, which make them ideal, for printing heavy, solder pastes and epoxy die-attachment materials:
- Excellent paste transfer 100% open area
- Excellent solvent resistance
- Outstanding durability if properly handled
Special Features
Our unique mesh-support system helps to maintain optimum tension on the metal stencil.
- The mesh will flex enough to allow for printing in the off -contact as will as on contact mode.
- In most cases, a 25mm minimum border of mesh will be provided around the perimeter of the metal stencil.
- More border must be provided when off-contact printing is to be utilised.
- Laser stencil masks from MCI are available on our standard aluminium frames and on all frames provided by customers.
Design Guidelines
At the present time, MCI can supply laser stencils to the following specifications:
Maximum mask size: 800 x 600mm
Maximum print size: 600 x 500mm
Tensioned-levelled stainless steel sheets available in thickness’: 100 to 300 microns
Tolerance on apertures: +/- 0.0005”
Positioning accuracy: within 10 microns
Tolerance on metal thickness: +/- 5%
Material: Stainless steel
Data: Electronic data must be supplied in either Gerber or HPGL format, including a full aperture table to enable MCI to plot the design before cutting.
Stencil Specifications